The existence of a state, situation or particular circumstance in which the offence is committed may ingrain it a character of legitimacy and in such circumstances it is lacking one of the essential features of the crime, the unjustified nature of the act committed. In the category of supporting causes which result in the removal of the essential trait of crime consisting in the anti-juridical character is also included the consent of the aggrieved party in respect with the commission of the crime set forth in the criminal law. In order to be ascertained as supporting cause, the aggrieved party’s consent must belong to the holder of the protected social value or to his legal or conventional representative, to be freely expressed, to be abreast with the time and to target a specific social value or values endangered by committing deliberate crimes. Consent of the aggrieved party does not preclude the unjustified character of the offence in case of criminal offenses against a person’s life, in the event of offenses whose justified effect is excluded by law, as well as in the event of criminal offences whose main passive entity is the state, and the aggrieved party acts as a secondary passive entity.