Art. 1 of the Romanian Labor Code states that its provisions shall apply to employment relationships, and the legal literature established that the employment relationship arises mainly from the employment contract between the employees and their employers. Law no. 52/2001, which regulates the casual work performed by the day laborer, by way of derogation from the provisions the Labor Code, provides that an employment relationship is established between the labor beneficiary and the day laborer, but an employment contract (which, according to Article 16 of the Labor Code requires written form) is not concluded. As the Court of Justice of the European Union decided in the Land Tirol Case that workers performing occasionally work, even for a single day, fall within the scope of the Framework Agreement on temporary work, and the Albron Catering BV decision stated that between the “employment contract” and “employment relationship” terms there is a relation of subsidiarity, the employment relationship of workers who provide occasional work must produce the same effects, in terms of the concerned person’s rights, with those of an individual employment contract Is concluded that Community legislation conferring rights to workers who have a employment contract or an employment relationship under the national law in force must be construed and enforced in accordance with the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union, with regard to the relationship between the employment contract and the employment relationship.