The study is devoted to the analysis of the provisions of Article 304 of the Civil Code referring to the „putative marriage”, a legal institution meant to protect the good faith upon the conclusion of the null or annulled marriage. Unlike other authors, but in agreement with the provisions of Article 304 (1) of the Civil Code, we have also analyzed, together with the condition that at least one of the future spouses act in good faith, the requirement of existence, on the date of conclusion of marriage, of a factual situation which causes the nullity or the annulment thereof. Similarly, because the analysis of the effects of the putative marriage does not present difficulties of interpretation in case both future spouses have acted in good faith upon the conclusion of the marriage, we have focused on the situation in which, on the contrary, one of them acted in good faith and the other acted in bad faith. Finally, we have tried to elucidate the reason which determined the legislator to subject the patrimonial relations between former spouses, including in case that only one of them acted in good faith, to the provisions concerning the divorce and we have grounded a proposal de lege ferenda likely to eliminate the „legal compromise” generated by the current normative solution.