The regulation of the dismissal of employees in the national legislations is carried out, as a rule, either in casuistic system, or conditioned by the existence of a justified reason, or without imposing the requirement of no reason. In Romania, the regulation of the dismissal has in view the cases strictly provided by the Labour Code and any other special laws. However, there are some states of the European Union, as well as on the North American, South American, African continent or on the Australian continent, where the possibility of dismissal without cause of employees is admitted. In the spirit of flexibilization of the labour relations, in this study it is deemed useful that the dismissal without cause of employees be regulated in Romania as well, as an exception from the casuistic dismissal, and only with application limited to certain categories of employees (those pursuing an intellectual activity and, particularly, those who hold management positions). In order to ensure adequate protection of employees, the dismissal without cause should be conditioned by the grant of longer periods of notice, that are superior to those in the common law, determined according to seniority of employees at that employer, and to the payment of some monetary compensation, also established depending on the seniority at that employer, following that these measures be strengthened by the sanction of nullity applied to the dismissal that does not comply with these conditions.