In order to highlight the civil liability structure, as ensuing from the wordings of the new Civil Code, enacted on October 1st, 2011, the author makes the synthesis of the theories of French doctrine developed in this issue: the theory of civil liability unity, the theory of civil liability duality and the intermediate or eclectic theory. Likewise, there are paraphrased discussions taking place at present, in the French doctrine as well, on the existence and relevance of contractual liability. The author presents thereafter echoes that these theories and discussions had within the framework of Romanian doctrine and jurisprudence during the last century. Acting towards the analysis of the wordings under the new Civil Code regulating civil liability, it is concluded that their editors have adopted our contemporary doctrine theory, under which civil liability is unique in its essence, and dual under the legal regime applicable to it. Therefore, following the criterion of the legal system, the well-known dichotomy is preserved: tort liability and contractual liability.