The group of economic interest is created as a partnership between two or more physical or juridical persons and its aim is to facilitate or to develop the economic activity of its members or to improve the results of their activity, on a determinated period. The group of economic interest was first created in French Law and it was created as an intermediar structure between a trading company and an association. The organisation and the function of a group of economic interest is increased on his members’ will. The idea of creating a group of economic interest was determined/born out of the necessity to provide a judicial instrument what attenuates the formalism of a trading company, but also removes the disadvantages of an associatioan regarded to the lock of juridical personality. The trading companies implied in such a group maintain their administrative and functional authonomy and their own identity as a juridical person. The European Group of Economic Interest is a legal person which aims, exclusively, the cross-border economic cooperation between European Union member states. The European Group of Economic Interest is, generally, a legal person (except for some member states like Italy, Austria or Germany). The acknowledgement of this statute helps realizing the group’objectives (the development of the member’s activities). In all states, a group has the capacity, in his own name, to have the any kind of rights and obligations. A group can conclude a contract or any other legal act, can take part in lawsuite, accordingly to European Law. The areas that are not mentioned by the stipulations of the european Council’s Regulation are regulated by the competition and intellectual property national law. The European Group of Economic Interest, at least theoretically, proves to be a flexible legal instrument, first of all, because it adapts to the different needs of its members. First of all a European Group of Economic Interest offers for its members the possibility to unite their forces and resources in order to obtain better economic results together. Its advantage stands in the flexibile organisation and function and in the fact that it does not necessary require a registered capital.