The anticipated legal capacity of the minor represents, together with the situation of the married minor, one of the exceptions of acquiring full legal capacity at the age of 18, expressly provided in Article 40 of the new Civil Code. Thus, for acquiring the „emancipation”, the minor can address the law court himself, by way of the non-contentious procedure, and with regard to the „reasonable grounds”, the legislator has not made an enumeration or an exemplification thereof, these remaining at the discretion of the guardianship courts. Given the implications which the measure of emancipation of the minor could have on himself and on others, this must be seen as an exceptional one, and although there is still no case law on the application of Article 40 of the Civil Code, de lege ferenda, the possibility to revert to the recognition of the anticipated legal capacity by the guardianship court would be, to the same extent, an appropriate measure of the higher interest of the minor.