The article intends to examine the changes that the new Criminal Code brings to the matter of the enforcement of criminal law over time, mainly for the purpose of harmonizing the given provisions with the constitutional principles, as well as for facilitating their implementation. From this perspective, one can notice that the new Criminal Code has largely taken over the provisions currently in force, but has eliminated those contrary to the constitutional principles, such as, for instance, the provisions stipulating that the complementary punishments, the educational measures and the safety measures in the new criminal law are always retroactive for public interest reasons or the provisions regarding the facultative enforcement of the most favorable criminal law in the irrevocably judged cases. We also find the introduction among the provisions subject to the principle of the most favorable criminal law of the legislative instruments declared unconstitutional, as well as of the emergency ordinances approved by the Parliament with amendments, supplements or rejected, provided that they were in force during the period stipulated by the law text.