
100 years after their conclusion, the Paris Peace Treaties of 1919–1920 are both an important
event in history and a founding moment of modern international law. Ending World War I, they have
legally established the new state-political realities resulting from the application of the principle of
nationalities and the exercising of the right to self-determination by the peoples oppressed by the
great European empires, which have led to the emergence of new states or to the consolidation of
other existing ones. The new European and international order was founded primarily on the law, the
organization of peace and the maintenance of the status quo being entrusted, according to the
Covenant, to the League of Nations, the first international institution with universal vocation. New
principles of international law have been prefigured, the national state has become the main topic of
international life, the subregional collective security organizations (Little Entante, Balkan Pact) have
played an important role in the international balance. The legal inheritance of the time 1919–1920
was expressed after the World War II through the Charter that laid the foundations of contemporary
international law and the U.N.O. (1945). The Treaty of Versailles with Germany (1919), as well as
that of Trianon with Hungary (4 June 1920) are the treaties whose territorial clauses have historically
withstood being taken over by the Peace Treaties of 1947 and enshrined by subsequent relevant
international acts. The Treaty of Trianon, by its territorial effects, has become the subject of a
sustained and permanent action of revisionism by Hungary and anti-revisionism, as a reaction from
the other states whose borders have been established thereby.

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