The new Romanian Civil Code advances a new conception regarding the divorce, essentially different from the conception with which we were familiar under the legislation that is (still) in force. Analyzing the provisions of Arts. 373-404, contained in Book II, “Family” of the new Civil Code, a note must be made of the non-dissimulated liberal “philosophy” on divorce, particularly expressed through the following features: multiplication of the reasons for divorce – in the sense that divorce by the spouses’ agreement may also take the form of a request accepted by the other spouse, the de facto separation is a distinct reason for divorce, allowing for the dissolution of marriage including out of the exclusive fault of the claimant spouse’ the “de-judiciarization” of the divorce procedure – by the fact that marriage termination does not fall under the exclusive competence of the courts of law, in the case of divorce by proper consent, alongside the judiciary means, being also available the means of administrative or notarial procedure, the latter being accessible even in the presence of spouses’ underage children, the limitation of post-divorce legal issues – by encouraging the settlement of “all issues” related to marriage, patrimonial or non-patrimonial, in the relation between spouses, as well as in the relations between parents and children, preferably by the spouses’ agreement of will and, inasmuch as possible, “in one package”, on the occasion of marriage termination. This study is dedicated to these features. In the introductory part (§1), we propose a systematization model for divorce cases, then we analyze the forms taken by divorce according to the reason for marriage termination (§2), making a distinction between divorce as a remedy – by the spouses’ agreement, at the request of either one of them accepted by the other spouse, for health reasons – and divorce by fault – for reasons that are not provided by the law, due to the de facto separation which lasted at least 2 years.