With rare exceptions, self-explanatory, the legal adages have proven out to be law constants, that are so enfranchised and widely accepted that, often, they have been converted from ,,rules” to ,,arguments”. Jurisprudence has capitalized them and is still capitalizing them either in the consideration of ,,their inherent binding legal force”, since, in their essence, they are objectified through legal rules, hence borrowing their value, either in the consideration of ,,their normative force” k within the newer meaning assigned to this concept k as ,,reference”, as ,,guidance”, as ,,standard” of interpretation and enforcement of the provisions of positive law. Two of these adages present a paradoxical and arguable legal circumstance: specialia generalibus derogant (special departs from general); nemo censetur ignorare legem (ignorance of the law excuses no one). They are not established in terminis (in terms) and sufficiently defined by legal dispositions. And, still, they have a binding legal force. These are, in essence, the subject matters proposed to be discussed in the study below.