At first sight, guilt appears as being one of the necessary conditions for engaging liability, which is quite easy to determine. In fact, in order to make such a statement it must be considered the structure of guilt, formed not only of the intellective and volitive factors that make up the complex psychological process which stands at the origin of the illicit activity, but also the imputation which can be brought to the agent for a conduct inconsistent with the rigours imposed by the legal order. By the analysis made, the author of this study has emphasized both the strengths, and the disadvantages of the criteria subjectively, objectively and even intermediately used for determining the civil guilt in concrete situations. Likewise, he has also dealt with the possibility of determining the criminal guilt in the light of the psychological and normative conceptions. At the same time, by expressing his options for some of these, the author has proposed some nuancings in order to obtain some results as precise as possible and, at the same time, fair for all parties involved.